Monday, January 31, 2011

Je suis un zool pareseux

Vert (vehr) - green
Pourquoi est-ce que le zool pareseux vert?
Why is the sloth green?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

La Référence de Beatles

Jaune (Jahn) - Yellow
Tous nous vivons à l'intérieur un naut sous-marin jaune.
We all live in a yellow submarine.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

L'Orange Orange

Orange (ourahnjh) - orange
L'orange orange effrayait la carotte.
The orange orange frightens the carrot.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Le Rococo Rouge

Rouge (rooj) - red
La rougeur est rouge.
The blush is red.
(or the rouge is red, haha get it?? A play on words!)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Où est le couteau?

le fils (lu fees) - son
le frère (lu frehr) - brother
la fille (la feey) - daughter
la soeur (seur) - sister
La Famille Adams a un fils et une fille.
The Adams family has a son and a daughter.
Le frère s'appelle Pugsley et La soeur s'appelle Wednesday.
The brother is called Pugsley and the sister is called Wednesday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Je suis une marsupial

La mère (la mehr) - mother
Ce Kangourou est une mère.
This Kangaroo is a mother.

Je suis un homme d'affaires sith

Le Père (Lu pehr) - father
Darth Vader est Le Père de Luke Skywalker.
Darth Vader is the Father of Luke Skywalker.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Les Salutations

Les Salutations (GREETINGS)
Bonjour- (bawn-zhoor) hello, good day
Bonsoir- (bawn-suar) good evening
Au revoir- (oh ruh-vwar) good bye

(fun fact: Les Poodles non est des chiens du français!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


What is your computer experience?
During high school I was taught 2D design using photoshop and free hand. Between junior and senior year I took a class at Tyler on Photoshop and illustrator. In my free time I like to paint digitally.

How do you feel about technology in the arts?
Technology is very convenient when it comes to art, in the way that it allows artists to better design what they want to create or make new things by using mediums, such as photoshop or painter, which didn't exist before.

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite book?
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostyevsky

Write a 5 line story about yourself.
One day in the spring of my junior year I went to work on a project at a friends house. I used google maps so I wouldn't get lost on the way there. After I left I found myself in the middle of Valley Forge park. Soon I found myself in King of Prussia then Pheonixville. I was lost. It took me an hour to get home when it should have only been a twenty minute drive. It's too bad I didn't have a gps.