Monday, February 28, 2011

La Mode Noir

Chapeau (Shapoh) - Hat
Il son Chapeau a de la classe e "Noir".
His hat is classy and Noir.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

L'homme de l'acier

Cape (kepi) - Cape
Superman aime sa cape a il.
Superman loves his cape.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Faire Mourir D'Ennui

Pantalon (Pantaloh) - Pants
Le pantalon non peut marcher.
The pants can't walk.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Noam Chomsky et la Media

Manufacturing Consent is a documentary that examines the life and ideas of the individual: Noam Chomsky. The book expands from the ideas of Chomsky's book entitled: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Chomsky's thesis is that the media is run by profit-driven institutions to churn out propaganda to the masses, so as to brainwash them into the mind set of a corporate elite. Throughout the film his message is revealed, but is portrayed as a movement towards voter organizing, almost a brain washing of sorts. Over all the movie is hard to understand and very "intellectual".

Monday, February 21, 2011

La Mode Inconnu

Chemise (Shemeese) - Shirt (of a man)
La chemise est bizarre.
The shirt is bizarre.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dans Vous Chaussures

Chaussure (shosyer) - Shoes
Les chausseurs sont une paire.
The shoes are a pair.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I for one, welcome our new computer overlords.

For the past three nights on Jeopardy, a computer built and designed by IBM was one of the three contestants. Amazingly it wasn't perfect at the game, but ended up being the victor. Some of the answers given by the machine, especially during double jeopardy, were incorrect. It seemed as if like categories were easier for the machine to process rather than when the categories were constantly switched. Of the two human contestants, Ken Jennings put up the most fight against the machine and before final jeopardy lagged behind by only $5,000. In the end, it was rather disheartening to see Jennings lose to Watson, especially his aside during final Jeopardy (even though it was funny at the time...). Overall this experience shows how our intelligence works in comparison to that of robots and how we are limited to function, while they are limitless in design. Who knows what may come next, maybe adorable humanoid robots, like those from the ashley wood universe or some crazy robo-revolution like the Flight of the Conchords song "The Humans Are Dead". You never know what they can do with technology nowadays...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tu peindrais

Toile (Twal) - Canvas
La toile veut peindre.
The canvas wants to be painted.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jaune et Vert et Orange

Analogue (Analogh) - Analogous
Jaune est analogue à vert et orange.
Yellow is analogous to green and orange.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bleu et Orange

Complémentaire (Compluhmuhntayr) - Complementary

Orange et bleu sont les colours complémentaire.

Orange and blue are complementary colors.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Le signe maléfique

Noir (Nuar) - Black
Le chat noir est une signe maléfique.
The black cat is a bad omen.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

La huile de coude

Blanc (blanc) - white
Mon chemisier blanc on tache.
My white shirt is stained.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

L'aubergine cadeauf

Violet (Violette) - Purple
L'aubergine est violet, donc le roi.
The eggplant is purple, therefore king.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Un'interruption des navets

In 1991 author Hakim Bey, aka Peter Lamborn Wilson, wrote the book Temporary Autonomous Zone. The book is a book that explores what the web or Internet is like on the inside. Bey believes that the Internet is the upcoming frontier of this century and centuries to come. The author argues that as humans we cannot control our need to leave nothing undiscovered, but to turn over every rock and solve every single mystery. This essay programs an image of what may inhabit this strange new frontier by describing the places that make up the settled parts of the Internet, which are called “Pirate Utopias”. These utopias are mini societies that are not under the reaches of law or government, but are societies that depend on pillaging others. Bey also explores the idea of space inside of the Internet. The argument that he makes is that topographically space cannot be translated 1:1 into the Internet from the real world, but that the space can be larger or smaller (from what I think I understand). Bey goes on to talk about how the Internet is used for different purposes, some good others not, and how the Internet may be the only place in which anarchy can survive. To be honest I didn’t understand much of this, but from what I did understand cyberspace is a very complex, unexplored area that no person has ever really seen so any interpretation can be correct or become correct in the future as we delve further into this amorphous space we call the Internet. But really, what is up with the turnips?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Je suis un bleuet

Bleu (bleuh) - Blue
Les bleuets sont bleu et délicieux.
The blueberries are blue and delicious.